These pickles are not only delicious on their own, they are excellent atop herbed sour cream on Crostini, or drain them well, sauté with shallots and garlic, and serve over Creamy Polenta. Please read about pickling and How to Process.
Prepare a water-bath canner, gather all your canning equipment, and have ready 2 clean, hot pint jars.
Brush off any dirt from:
For large shiitakes, slice or quarter the caps. Smaller shiitakes can be left whole. Set aside.
Bring to a boil in a large saucepan:
Stir in the mushrooms, cover, and reduce the heat to simmer gently for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and ladle the mushrooms and brine into the prepared jars, leaving ½ inch headspace. Remove any trapped air from the jars and adjust the liquid level if needed. Wipe the rims. Place lids on jars and screw on rings until fingertip-tight. Process for 15 minutes. Let cool completely and store as directed.