About 8 pint jars

Please read about pickling and How to Process.


  • 5 ½ pounds 1 ¼- to 2 ½-inch-long gherkins or baby pickling cucumbers

Cut a thin slice from the blossom ends, but leave ¼ inch of the stems. Mix together in a large bowl:

  • 8 cups water
  • ½ cup pickling salt

Stir until the salt is dissolved and add the cucumbers. Place a plate on the cucumbers to keep them submerged and let stand at room temperature for 12 hours.

Drain, rinse, and drain again. Pat dry with a clean towel. Prepare a water-bath canner or prepare a water bath for low-temperature canning, gather all your canning equipment, and have ready 8 clean, hot pint jars.

Tightly pack the cucumbers into the prepared jars, adding to each jar:

  • 5 peeled pearl onions (40 total)
  • A few sprigs tarragon (16 to 24 total)
  • (½ teaspoon mustard seeds [4 teaspoons total])
  • 5 white or black peppercorns (40 total)

Combine in a large saucepan and bring just to a boil, stirring until the salt is dissolved:

  • 5 ¼ cups white wine vinegar
  • 4 ¼ cups water
  • ⅓ cup pickling salt

Ladle over the cucumbers in the jars, leaving ½ inch headspace. Remove any trapped air from the jars and adjust the liquid level if needed. Wipe the rims. Place lids on jars and screw on rings until fingertip-tight. Process for 10 minutes. Let cool completely and store as directed.

Own a physical copy? Find this recipe on page 924–25.
