Please read About Baked Meringue and Dacquoise.
Have all ingredients at room temperature, about 70°F. Preheat the oven to 200°F for larger shapes and 225°F for smaller shapes. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper for free-form meringues or individual meringue shells. Or, for layers, trace two 8- or 9-inch or three 7-inch circles on the parchment (the easiest way to do this is to find a cake pan of the desired size and trace around the bottom), leaving an inch between them, and turn the parchment upside down so that the tracing shows through but cannot transfer to the meringue.
To make free-form meringue shells, simply spoon heaps of meringue onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, making a depression in the center of each one with the back of the spoon.
To form meringue layers with a spatula, divide the meringue evenly among the circles and spread into rounds with an offset spatula, making sure that the thickness of the meringue is as uniform as possible. Neaten the edges of each round by tracing around them with your finger, if desired.
To form meringue layers with a pastry bag, scrape the meringue into a large pastry bag fitted with a ⅜- to ½-inch plain tip. Starting in the center of each circle, pipe a widening spiral of meringue until each round is covered with a coiled rope of meringue.
Bake until completely dry but not at all browned, up to 2 ½ hours. To check for doneness, remove a test shape from the oven and let it cool for 5 minutes. If it is dry and crisp to the bite, then meringues of similar size are done. Larger meringues can also be tested by probing with the tip of a sharp paring knife. If the center of the meringue seems only slightly sticky, it will crisp as it cools.
Let cool in the turned-off oven to ensure dryness; an overnight rest in an oven with a pilot light is the sure way to get perfect meringues. If not using immediately, store airtight for several weeks. Do not refrigerate or freeze. Meringue layers are fragile. Cut the excess parchment paper from around each one and store still attached to the paper for protection. To remove it from the parchment, slide a slender metal spatula under each layer.