2 servings

If shelling fresh peas, you may add two or three pods to the pan for extra flavor. If fresh peas are unavailable, substitute one 10-ounce package unthawed frozen peas.

Wash, then shell:

  • 2 pounds English or garden pea pods (about 2 cups shelled)

Bring ¼ inch water to a boil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add, if the peas are starchy:

  • (A pinch of sugar)

Add the peas to the skillet, cover, reduce the heat, and simmer until tender, 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the maturity of the peas. Add more water if the skillet becomes dry. Discard the pods, if using, and drain any excess water. Season the peas to taste with:

  • Butter or cream
  • (Minced parsley or mint)
  • Salt and black pepper