1 to 2 servings

I. This method gives you tender eggs with large curds.

Beat with a fork or whisk until completely blended:

  • 3 large eggs
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • (2 tablespoons milk or heavy cream)

Melt in an 8-inch skillet, preferably nonstick, over medium-low heat:

  • 1½ tablespoons butter

Pour in the eggs and, with a silicone spatula, stir slowly and constantly, pushing the eggs to the center of the skillet and scraping the bottom and sides. When the eggs begin to thicken, after about 2 minutes, continue stirring until not quite cooked to the desired consistency. Stir in, if desired:

  • (1 tablespoon softened butter or heavy cream)

Sprinkle with, if desired:

  • (Pinch of black pepper)

II. A slower but foolproof alternative is to use a double-boiler.

Melt in a double boiler over, not in, gently simmering water:

  • ½ tablespoon butter

Have ready:

  • Seasoned egg mixture from I

When the butter has melted, pour in the egg mixture. Stir with a spatula until the eggs have thickened into soft creamy curds.

Egg Dishes